The 32-bit application LISREL is intended for:
- Standard structural equation modeling
- Multilevel structural equation modeling
These methods are available for the following data types:
- Complete and incomplete complex survey data on continuous variables
- Complete and incomplete simple random sample data on ordinal and continuous variables
PRELIS is a 32-bit application which can be used for:
- Data manipulation
- Data transformation
- Data generatiion
- Computing moment matrices
- Computing asymptotic covariance matrices of sample moments
- Imputation by matching
- Multiple imputation
- Multiple linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Univariate and multivariate censored regression
- ML and MINRES exploratory factor analysis
MULTILEV fits multilevel linear and nonlinear models to multilevel data from simple random and complex survey designs. It allows for models with continuous and categorical response variables.
SURVEYGLIM fits Generalized LInear Models (GLIMs) to data from simple random and complex survey designs.
Models for the following sampling distributions are available.
- Multinomial
- Bernoulli
- Binomial
- Negative Binomial
- Poisson
- Normal
- Gamma
- Inverse Gaussian
CATFIRM implements formal inference-based recursive modeling for categorical outcome variables.
CONFIRM implements formal inference-based recursive modeling for continuous outcome variables.
MAPGLIM implements the Maximum A Priori (MAP) method to fit generalized linear models to multilevel data.